Olyn Ozbick Photo

Olyn Ozbick is an internationally award-winning magazine editor, a journalist and fiction writer, a finalist in the CBC Short Story Awards, and picture book author. Her fiction has been published in anthologies and literary magazines in Canada, the US and the UK. Olyn lives in Calgary with her frisbee-lovin’ border collie.

Olyn Ozbick


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Calgary based writer Vivian Heather crafts energetic redemptive tales set in fantastic worlds. Fueled by curiosity and a questionable sense of humor, Vivian draws inspiration from our vibrant Canadian culture.

  • A picture came to light yesterday. Taken at age 4, I recall the event quite well–the sweater was pink and of itchy wool. The necklace, […]
  • I’d like to preface this offering with a historical note. Some fifty years ago, I was identified as a child with “mild hyperactivity.” My default […]
  • t’s really quite simple, this poor habit of hurried speech –it harms no one at all, not the listener or the speaker. But in written […]

Vivian Heather

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Writing is a deep passion for LK Weir, the process of completing a novel has taught her how to to love learning and how to grow through struggles. Writing gave her the ability to delve into her creative side. She’s always had a strong imagination and storytelling has allowed her to bring those imagined worlds to life. She has a passion for entertaining and wants to write stories that immerse her audience into different worlds. 

  • The art of grammar was never my forte. I would vaguely participate in the general laughter of a grammar related joke (strained, guilty laughter with […]
  • I’ve been reading a book on manifestation and it’s not the first one I’ve entertained. I love the concept of believing in something enough that […]
  • Humans are natural story tellers from the dawn of our remembered consciousness. Children form stories in their mind, create imaginary worlds for which to move […]

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Meghan Victoria grew up in the frozen wilds of Labrador and is obsessed with historical east coast life, all things weird and fantastic, yoga, and travel. She writes in a variety of genres and her short fiction has been published by the Antigonish Review, Coffin Hop Press, and Morning Rain Publishing. Meghan has spent two years as part of the Banff Centre Residency Program, currently teaches creative writing classes at the Alexandra Writers Centre Society, and is finalizing edits for her first novel.


Meghan Victoria Photo
  • I love to sing. There is a calling deep in my blood to make beauty with music. To heal with music. Which is somewhat tragic […]
  • I am getting acquainted with my rage. Learning her edges, her boundaries, her heat. Coaxing her from the box to which she has been banished […]
  • There is a hand written letter that sits on my altar. Like everything that graces this sacred space, it was a gift. Secured from drafts […]

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Hi, I’m Gail Lowe. Nice to meet you.

A vivid imagination can be bothersome, an impressionable one lethal.  Forty years after watching The Haunting of Hill House, I still keep my house well-lit at night.  

About five years ago I took a class at the Alexandra Writers Centre and met an inspiring group of writers.  Ultimately we became The Corner Lot; one of the best things that has ever happened to me.  

Gail Lowe

  • How many hidden ideals do you have in your life that keep you from feeling like a success?They hide behind sneaky little self-judgements like I […]
  • This is my favourite Covidism: A person will come out of lockdown as a hunk, a chunk, a drunk or a monk. The first time […]
  • I am in the process of taming my dragon. I write while it’s sleeping or preoccupied with some other dragon-worthy pursuit. But eventually, it pins […]

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Leesa JoAnn Iverson has chocolate stashed in her desk and is working on sharing it more. Her favourite park has tall trees, tickled by birds who will land on her outstretched palm. Home is Calgary, Canada, with her husband Dave and their two teenage boys.

Leesa began crafting stories ten years ago with the support of classes and conferences. A crucial ingredient for her growth as a writer continues to be the connection, strength, and support of her writing community. Leesa decided to create stories for children when her focus returned to drawing and design in 2016.


  • I have been travelling both inside and outside my comfort zone. Both kinds of travel offer the good stuff: reflection on who I am, where […]
  • All are in the dark, thinking we know the light. By Leesa JoAnn Iverson – This post originated in Substack  “India,” I say with great […]
  • My colourful paints and WORDPLAY have combined again to create something exciting and NEW! The Children's Illustrated Picture Book, ONE LUCKY TEDDYBEAR SIDEWAYS is book […]

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